Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Reading Notes: Fables of La Fontaine Part B

(Image of La Fontaine sourced from Wikipedia)

La Fontaine continued his use of humanizing animals and song-like sentence structure throughout Part B of the readings. For the most part, the stories remained similar in writing style. However, this time when I read the stories I began to really take notice of his use of imagery and the language he used.

The adjectives and verbs he chose to use in his stories allowed the reader to better understand the plot line. I think when I write I often forget that every word I use should further the plot in a meaningful way. As writers, I think we get stuck in a rut and use the same words over and over again because they are comfortable and we know that they work. I think I need to stretch myself and some research on verbs and adjectives that go much deeper than what I have been writing.

Fables of La Fontaine, link to online reading.

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