Sunday, November 27, 2016

Reading Notes: Denslow's Mother Goose

(Image sourced from Denslow Mother Goose)

I sat down to do my extra reading and for some reason the typical reading links did not work for me. Instead, I decide to take advantage of the free book option and read up on some mother goose rhymes.

I read from the beginning and then all the way to Little Miss Muffet. Many of these rhymes were familiar to me and others did not ring a bell. While reading through these stanzas I thought how strange it is that growing up we were taught these rhymes and there were hundreds if not others that were not as popular. It made me wonder, who and why was it decided that we will pass down some and not the many others that we’re beautifully written.

In addition to learning about other rhymes that I had not heard of before. I enjoyed looking at the multitude of illustrations that covered the book. I wish I had the ability and the eye to draw in the way that others can.

Denslow's mother goose, link to online reading.

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