Saturday, October 1, 2016

Wikipedia Trail: From Navratri to British Raj

I am a naturally curious person so this extra credit assignment was enjoyable to me. If we're being honest I often click through wikipedia links in my spare time and get trapped into clicking on article after article. However, I never thought about covering my tracks until now.

I first looked at the class announcements to get some inspiration on what my starting point was going to be. After scrolling through them, I decided upon learning more about Navratri the nine day festival dedicated to worshiping the hindu deity Durga. This sparked my interest because I had never heard of the festival and who doesn't love a good festival?

This article led me to click on the Diwali link, which was an article all about another festival. Diwali is the festival lights. This peaked my curiosity because the first thing I thought of was the movie Tangled, which had a festival of lights in it. After reading this article, I thought the photos attached were stunning. The way the Hindu's celebrate the festival was stunning in the way that they strung lights. It reminds me of my love for Christmas lights and all that the wintry season entails.

(Lights strung in celebration of Diwali sourced from Wikimedia)

The Diwali festival led me to click on the Sikh link. The reason I clicked on this link is because when I was back in high school I actually got to go to a Sikhism temple. I went to France as a missionary my sophomore year of high school and got the privilege of getting to know and love on the Sikhs while I was there. I haven't researched them in years, so this was a good reminder on what I once learned.

The last article I clicked on was the British Raj. If you've read any of my previous articles including my introduction, you know that I have a deep seeded love for the Brits. My passion for all things english urged me to click on this link. This was probably the most intreating article for me because i had no idea that the British Crown ruled over parts of india back in the day.

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