Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Reading Notes: Stories from Congo Part A

(Children from the Congo sourced from Public Domain)

When I came across the word Congo, it was as if my heart could hear the beating of the drums and I could feel the african heat encompass my body in a blanket of warmth. There is something about Africa that has magic behind it. It was as if these stories were calling to me read them.

R. E. Dennett collected these stories over four decades. These stories included spirits, supernatural powers, and the embodiment of this magic in the form of objects, animals, and other humans.

One thing I noticed right off the bat was that these stories all had some sort of family member in the title. That struck me as important because it showed that the African Culture values its people and the families found within their physical borders.

After reading through a multitude of stories, I realized that a lot of them were centered around this idea of love or not being lonely. Whether this comes in the form reviving husbands to life or dreams of future loved ones. Stories from the Congo embody love and relationships.

Stories from the Congo: Part A, link to online reading.

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