Monday, September 19, 2016

Learning Challenge: Caffeine Causality Loop

(Cartoon by John Atkinson sourced from Wrong Hands)

The caffeine causality loop is something that haunts my daily routine. This year I have felt like I have been in a constant cycle of meetings, school, University Sing, and coffee. Normally, I have my life under control, however this semester is throwing me for a loop. I found out on the first day of class this semester that I am graduating a semester early.

That day rocked my world. No longer was this semester just a semester full of game days, classes, and social functions, it was a semester of goodbyes. I am learning how to manage my time all over again because I am really trying to be intentional in my friendships and encourage those around me, but that takes more time than I thought.

I'm quickly finding out that there is not enough hours in the day to get everything done, which leaves me praying for a personal assistant and sucking me into the caffeine causality loop. Coffee and prayers are the only things getting me through these long days. Not all days are bad, but every day calls for coffee.

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