Sunday, September 4, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

(Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons)

Feedback can also go by the name of constructive criticism, which is a term that has followed me for many years. I have grown up doing musical theatre and I have received numerous amounts of feedback on my performances both positive and negative. While I stopped doing theatre when I got to college, feedback doesn’t go away. Every presentation, every project, and every blog post in this class sits on the foundation of feedback. If we didn’t receive feedback how would we know how to improve or to keep doing what we’re doing. Due to the many years I have spent on stage, I like to think I can take feedback very well. I have learned not to take it personally when someone corrects me because in the long run they’re trying to help me out.

The most helpful article I read was the “5 Tips for taking Feedback like a Champ,” because it provided the reader with practical advice on how to receive feedback well. This article was structured in a way that allowed the reader to easily follow and understand what the author was trying to portray. I personally liked that the first tip validated the reader’s feelings by stating that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable, in fact it’s healthy. This tip not only applies to receiving feedback but in life in general. When we get out of our comfort zone and push ourselves to learn from our peers we as individuals grow to be better versions of ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amanda!
    I am not sure if you have a title for your portfolio or not but I do like your layout. It looks organized, not too much stuff mixed in so that it looks messy or confusing. Your story had me hooked in the first few sentences. The descriptions in the first part of your paragraph really helps the reader empathize with the main character. I can feel how invisible his feels, how isolated and depressed. When you write about how Jesus saved him and healed him, I can feel the emotion of the leper, his gratefulness, he has finally been accepted. I can feel the happiness to be healed. The way you wrote this story is very moving. Even though it's only three paragraphs, there is so much emotion packed in them. You did a great job retelling this story! Can't wait to read more of your work!
