Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Reading Notes: Alice in Wonderland, Part A

(Image of the White Rabbit Sourced from Wikipedia)

 I have read Alice in Wonderland many times, I have been seen the stage production, and my sorority's mom's day brunch was based off the mad hatter tea party. Alice in Wonderland is something near and dear to my heart, so I assumed when I read it that I would already know everything there was to know. I was pleasantly surprised that, that was not the case.

When I was doing my readings I forgot all of the minute creative details that makes the reader fall in love with the story. To what the late white rabbit was wearing to the advice from the wise caterpillar. Lewis Carol does a great job of setting the scene with incredible detail. Down the rabbit hole, with the multitude of doors, and an abundance potions to choose from.

Creative writing is one of my favorite things to do, it's for sure my favorite pastime. Lewis Carol is an expert in creative writing. Her details each have a purpose and it adds another dimension to the story. Creative details give a plot line depth, it's what captivates the reader and brings them in. I hope to do the same thing with my storybooks and future stories in this class.

Bibliography: Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carol, link.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda, I am glad you had some fun with Alice; that is a reading option for Weeks 11-12 in class. This week the reading options were Classical-Biblical, so if you want to do a story this week, you can use the Biblical reading you did last week.
