(Personal Image taken in Bristol, England 2016)
I believe everyone has their own way of paying attention. I think it's up to the individual to figure out the setting they work best in. For me, it's a chill coffee shop with music and a little bit of background noise. I think I work best in an environment that inspires me to be creative and surrounded by people who are also working.
Gray Owl Coffee off of Gray street in Norman is my favorite place to study at. The art hung from the walls and the trendy people at every table inspire me to also be creative and get my work done. There is something about being surrounded by like-minded people who spur you on to be a better version of yourself.
The environment has everything to do with how well you pay attention to your work. Maybe a coffee shop is too distracting for some people, that's why the library and the great reading room work great for other students. Figure out what setting allows you to pay attention best and work there. That's my little tidbit of advice.